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Audio Recording May Provide Further Evidence “Bucha Massacre” Was Staged by Ukrainian Military

On Sunday, April 3, the Ukrainian Defence Ministry stated that they had found 410 bodies of slain Ukrainians in Bucha, Irpin and other towns and villages during the first two days since Russia initiated attacks in these regions. The Defence Ministry added that the exact number of victims of Russian armed forces “will be much higher”. On the same day, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba released images of “horrors caused by retreating Russian armed forces in Bucha city.”

As an example of the media campaign that ensued, in typical corporate media fashion, without so much as a question let alone an investigation to confirm the facts, The Independent amplified a report from Reuters:

“Pope Francis has condemned “the massacre of Bucha” and kissed a Ukrainian flag sent from the town where tied bodies shot at close range littered the streets after Russian troops withdrew and corpses poked out of a mass grave at a church.

“[The flag] comes from the war, precisely from that martyred city, Bucha,” he said, kissing it and holding it up for the audience of several thousand, which broke into applause.”

A few days before the pontiff had “implicitly criticised Russian President Vladimir Putin over the invasion of Ukraine,” The Independent reported.

It’s not that this report in isolation is proof of corporate media’s lack of investigative journalism. But rather that it is one article, just one small part, of a much larger campaign.

At the time of writing, a search on The Independent’s website returns 16 articles published by them in the last week including the term “Bucha massacre” and at least 100 articles are listed within the last 3 days which include the term “Bucha killings.” A number of those articles are likely due to the terms included in the titles of the “recommended” reading list included in the article rather than forming part of the article’s subject matter. However, it does indicate how determined corporate media is to push their version of this story as widely as possible and keep it at the forefront of the public’s psyche.

Kremlin Responds to “Bucha Massacre”

In the wake of the horrifying Bucha genocide, the Kremlin last week accused Western media, predominantly those from the United States, of complicity in the civilian massacre.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said: “By disseminating fake publications and blocking truth and alternative viewpoints, investigative materials, and direct speeches [the US] have become accomplices of this horrific tragedy that represents a crime of the Kyiv region.”

If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it HERE.

Russia’s Guilt in The War Crimes in Bucha Is Insane

Giorgio Bianchi is an Italian photojournalist, documentary photographer and filmmaker. Concerning Bucha, he wrote in a blog, if the Russians had committed such a horrendous crime, logic would have it that they would have had to load the bodies onto the trucks and then make them disappear in some blast furnace or some mine under their control. “The Kiev regime takes orders from NATO, and NATO wants at all costs to overthrow the chessboard by escalating the conflict,” he wrote.

During an interview, Bianchi argued that the Western media’s version of Russia’s guilt in the war crimes in Bucha is insane. The video clip of Bianchi’s interview is in Italian without English subtitles. However, a summary of what Bianchi said during his interview is noted in the description field below the video clip on YouTube and reads:

“The Russians are trying to move forward carefully, protecting civilian lives. I saw in Volnovakha and in Mariupol what a different attitude between civilians and the Russian military.

“If, for example, in Bucha, they were really killing civilians, raping women and children, would they have left all those corpses in the middle of the street, perfectly prepared for optimal composition for photographers? It’s stupid and illogical.

“I want to remember how in Afghanistan the US and NATO military shot civilians like in video games, cutting off the fingers of the dead. Whoever collected the most fingers won. Who uncovered these horrors? Julian Assange. Where is he now? In prison for revealing these secrets…”

Italian journalist, writer, blogger and television host Toni Capuozzo also believes there is something wrong with the official Western narrative of events in Bucha. The timing of events, in particular, the dates of the discovery of the civilian corpses raises questions.

On 30 March, Capuozzo said, the Russians withdrew from Bucha and on 31 March the mayor of the city stated in front of the city hall he was satisfied with the liberation, with no reference to the bodies.

On 1 April, interviews of Bucha’s civilians, now free, begin to appear. But no-one mentions the bodies in the streets. On 2 April Ukrainian police footage was released in which only one body is seen on the ground. Finally, on 3 April, images of the many bodies on the streets began to circulate. Capuozzo then pointed out the odd behaviour of Ukrainian civilians who, over the 4 days, never covered or moved the bodies.

In his video below Mark Elsis, host of Earth Newspaper, asks why Russia would occupy and live side-by-side with Ukrainians in Bucha but kill them during their otherwise orderly withdrawal?

On the other hand, Ukrainian forces have tortured and killed prisoners of war, deliberately used the civilian population as human shields and have, nationwide, tortured and taped its civilian population to posts for infractions during the war. Why would Ukrainian forces not immediately see the population of Bucha as “Russian collaborators” and punish them accordingly?

If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Bitchute HERE.

Audio Recording Surfaces Pointing to Staged Massacre

Included in several pieces of evidence from the “Bucha massacre” – that indicate it was another propaganda provocation by the Kiev regime – is a video of one of the alleged corpses seen getting up from the ground. You can watch this video, and others, HERE.

Since then an audio recording has surfaced purporting to be a conversation between two Ukrainians. However, “the sources of the recording have not yet been confirmed, and there is a possibility that this is nothing but another fake spread by any of the warring sides within the ongoing information war,” South Front wrote.

You can listen to the audio recording in Ukrainian embedded in South Front’s article HERE. Below is the English transcript of the recording copied from the same article:

Leaked Recording Allegedly Confirms Massacre in Bucha Was Staged By Ukrainian Militants, 8 April 2022

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