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Austria hiring hitmen to “hunt down vaccine refusers”

In order to make sure all citizens stay “safe” against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the government of Austria is hiring hitmen to “hunt down vaccine refusers.”

This army of “inspectors,” as Blick is calling them, will be tasked with enforcing the country’s new mandatory injection policy, defiance of which comes will come with fines.

The city of Linz, population 200,000, is reportedly at the forefront of this hitmen scheme because it currently has a vaccination rate of around 63 percent, which is considered to be “low.”

“Linz now wants to hire people who are supposed to hunt down vaccine refusers,” Blick further reported.

The role of these inspectors will be to check on “whether those who do not get vaccinated really pay for it.”

The inspectors enforcing these fines will be paid a wage of 2,774 euros (around $3,143) 14 times per year. This amounts to 38,863 euros (around $44,040) per year.

“The job includes, among other things, the creation of penal orders as well as the processing of appeals,” reports explain, adding that workers will need to be “resilient” and agree to work plenty of overtime.

Austrian citizens are the only people who qualify for these jobs, and all of them must either be fully vaccinated or “fully recovered” from a Fauci Flu infection in order to get paid.

Austria is ground zero for covid fascism

As we reported, Austria recently became the first country in the world to require that all citizens be forcibly vaccinated for the Wuhan Flu.

Those who refuse could be imprisoned for upwards of a year and forced to pay for that imprisonment themselves.

“Austrians who don’t get vaccinated by February face fines of up to €7,200 ($8,000) for non-compliance, and those who refuse to pay would also face a 12 month jail sentence,” Infowars further reported.

This tyranny was implemented by Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg, who believes that Austrians should have no free will when it comes to making their own medical decisions.

Schallenberg told the media that he is upset that only 65 percent of the country got willingly injected “despite an intensive media campaign.” Consequently, Schallenberg is now punishing the entire nation because he is unhappy with the turnout.

“This is irresponsible,” this deranged lunatic complained. “This is actually an attack on our health system. Because of these radical anti-vaxxers and because of fake news, too many of us have not been vaccinated. We don’t want a fifth wave.”

Part of Schallenberg’s plan is to book appointments for the unvaccinated without their consent. Those who fail to show up will be fined and imprisoned – basically as much as he can get away with, he is planning to do.

“It is difficult to imagine a person as stupid as Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg – except for every other political leader. He, like his peers, thinks lockdowns and vaccination are making people safe and happy by denying them freedom and killing and injuring them with the spike protein in the mRNA ‘vaccine,'” wrote a commenter at Natural News.

“The persistent insistence on a ‘vaccine’ that does not protect but does kill and injure raises questions about what the real agenda is. The master criminal Fauci and his Big Pharma overlords have set humanity up for endless mRNA booster jabs until everyone is dead.”

Another responded that Schallenberg is not stupid and knows exactly what he is doing. Depopulation is the plan, as is global rule and tyranny, forever.

“They know exactly what they’re doing, and what the results will be,” another noted. “They have no concern whatsoever for anyone’s health, except their own … High vaccination rates beget bribes, and that is their sole motivation.”


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