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Biden regime putting American troops in Ukraine, setting country up for direct engagement in World W

Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans, the Biden regime has deployed U.S. military personnel on the ground in Ukraine in what appears to be a direct effort to draw the country into a conflict with Russia that will spark World War III.

According to Trending Politics, there are new reports that U.S. Special Forces troops are currently in Ukraine performing “operational prep of the battlefield.”

Seth Harp, an investigative reporter and contributing editor for Rolling Stone, noted on Twitter: “US special operators are currently on the ground in Ukraine doing ‘operational prep of the battlefield,’ according to a well informed source. The military unit is JSOC’s Advance Force Operations, including members of Delta Force and SEAL Team 6.”

A search of Harp’s Twitter feed did not turn up this tweet, so it’s likely he has deleted it; Trending Politics got a screengrab of it, however, which can be seen below.

While such developments have no doubt concerned the Americans who are eager for our country to stay out of this conflict, Harp cautioned his followers in a second (also deleted) tweet that it would be wrong to automatically presume the stationing of U.S. troops in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion is an “escalation.”

“This should NOT necessarily be perceived as an escalation in Ukraine. Small JSOC teams routinely penetrate foreign countries to do covert work (not fighting) as part of long-shot contingency planning,” he wrote, adding: “These are denied operations under Title 10, no different from CIA activities.”

Here’s the since-deleted tweet, compliments of Trending Politics:

While some reportedly blasted Harp online for revealing what is no doubt top-secret information, other open-source reporting appears to confirm his.

“U.S. special operators are continuing with a mission to build up an elite fighting force in Ukraine, military officials said, even as Russia threatens invasion with its thousands of troops, tanks and artillery massed along their borders,” Stars & Stripes reported on January 19, 2022, more than a month before the Russian invasion.

“The bottom line is that our training mission in Ukraine is ongoing,” said Lt. Col. Juan Martinez, spokesman for U.S. Special Operations Command Europe.

Martinez told the outlet that there are a “ton of outside factors at work,” but went on to add that “the command hasn’t stepped back from Ukraine.”

“We continue to view our mission in Ukraine as part of an ongoing effort in enhancing Special Operations Forces capabilities as a keystone for regional stability,” he said.

“The Stuttgart-based SOCEUR has quietly operated out of a training center outside of Kyiv for the past several years,” Stars & Stripes reported further. “The mission’s focus is assisting Ukrainian forces to defend more effectively against Russian aggression.”

“The presence of U.S. special operators is part of a small American military contingent that remains in Ukraine,” the outlet added.

“There are also more than 100 Florida National Guard troops in Ukraine in an advisory role,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said at the time.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned that should peace negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government fail, World War III is a near-certainty.

“I’m ready for negotiations with Putin, but if they fail, it could mean World War III,” Zelensky said as reported by the Kyiv Independent.

“Zelensky told CNN that he’s ready to negotiate with Putin, but warned that if negotiation attempts fail, it could lead to a new World War,” the report added.

“I’m ready for negotiations with him,” Zelensky said in the interview, referring to Putin. “I was ready for the last two years, and I think that – I think without negotiations we cannot end this war. I think that all the people who think this is shallow and won’t resolve anything, they just don’t understand this is very valuable.”

This war is set to spiral out of control and the Biden-friendly Deep State is obviously setting America up to become involved.


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