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Canadian Parliament Members Shout Down Trudeau As He Dodges Questions About Use of the Emergency Act

On Tuesday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was mercilessly shouted down several times by parliament members as he attempted to answer their questions about his increasingly-authoritarian handling of the Trucker Convoy.

During the session, Trudeau mindlessly grasped his paper full of talking points, ignored the members’ questions completely, and parroted his carefully-crafted word salad of BS – which sent the room into an uproar.

The booing and heckling grew so loud that the speaker overseeing the house stepped in multiple times to restore order because Trudeau’s response had been completely drowned out.

Conservative Party interim Leader Candice Bergen kicked off the fireworks when she confronted Trudeau directly over his use of the Emergencies Act, which she called an “unprecedented sledgehammer,” in his crackdown against the truckers.

Bergen asks:

“The Prime Minister invoked the Emergencies Act and 24 hours in, there are more questions than answers. Questions about whether this is justified, questions around if the criteria is met, questions around what this means to Canadians’ rights and freedoms. Parliamentary approval is required in order for the prime minister to use this unprecedented sledgehammer. So can the prime minister tell us when will parliament be debating this? Will it be coming to us on Friday? And does he expect that we will look at it Friday, but then rise, take a week off, and not actually deal with this until March?”

Within seconds of Trudeau standing up and reading his prepared statement, the first groans from the crowd began.

In response to Bergen, Trudeau provided absolutely no justification other than giving his assurance that “this is the right thing” to do:

“Mr. Speaker, after discussions with cabinet and caucus, after consultations with the premiers of all provinces and territories. After, uh, conversation with opposition leaders, we decided to invoke, uh, the emergencies act… to supplement provincial and territorial capacity to address the blockades and occupations. I want to be very clear, Mr. Speaker, the scope of these measures are time limited and geographically targeted. They are reasonable and proportionate to the threat they’re meant to address, and they are fully to be compliant with the charter of rights and freedoms to, uh, reassure all Canadians, uh, that this is the right thing to perform.”

Completely unsatisfied with the weak excuses, Bergen fires back:

“I had a very simple question to the prime minister – He was not able to answer it. It would appear this could be more political drama for the prime minister. He name-calls people that he disagrees with. He wedges, he divides, he stigmatizes. Yet, in spite of all of his failure, Coutts border has cleared. Windsor has opened up. Provinces and police are doing their jobs and blockades are starting to come down. But the prime minister thinks that now is the time to use this extreme measure and evoke the Emergencies Act. Isn’t it true that the prime minister’s actions could serve to actually make things worse and not make things better?”

The crowd cheered in agreement before quickly turning on the Prime Minister as he fumbled through his next response. They can even be heard laughing at Trudeau as he tries to remember his talking points, which forced the Speaker to step in and restore order.

Once things had calmed down, Trudeau caused another burst of outrage by slandering the Conservative Parliament Members over their support of the Trucker convoy. He even read several of their online posts word for word as if they were akin to swearing their allegiance to ISIS, which caused such a commotion that the Speaker had to step in a second time.


The simple question session was absolutely brutal for Trudeau, who spoke just one time after the questioning by Bergen. While not assuaging any concerns over his tyrannical actions, the inquiry exposed the fact that tyrants like him don’t have much to work with when the propaganda they spew isn’t working like it used to.

After all, how many times can they repeat the same old tired lines and get away with it? The mask has been ripped off and Trudeau knows it – hence the hasty decision to use the Emergency Act. If things were going along as planned, such extreme measures wouldn’t be needed.

Hold the line! Honk Honk!


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