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COVID vaccine coordinator who aggressively pushed mRNA shots dies “unexpectedly” – was it the jab?

Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage, Louisville’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” coordinator, has “died unexpectedly,” according to reports. And the weird part is that nobody is saying why.

Hartlage was an aggressive proponent of mRNA (messenger RNA) injections, urging people online, in person, and in briefings with Louisville’s mayor to roll up their sleeves for the shots as soon as possible.

At one point, Hartlage tweeted a photo of herself opening a box of mRNA injections along with a caption explaining that she had just had “a little visit from the Pfizer fairy.”

When federal regulators green-lighted mRNA injections for children as young as five, Hartlage was thrilled. Every chance she got, Hartlage pushed the shots on anyone and everyone. She even ran the city’s vaccine clinic, which injected area residents with nearly 120,000 shots.

Worst of all, Hartlage was a strong proponent for jab mandates. She was not content with just offering the syringes to Kentuckians: she wanted them forced on the people of her city and state.

Then, Hartlage died out of the blue. She was attending a medical conference in Florida when she reportedly suffered a “sudden and unexpected” loss of life. Hartlage was just 36 years old at the time of her death.

“Beyond that, no details are available,” reports Alex Berenson.

When you push covid jabs publicly and call for mandates, you forfeit your right to privacy

In the vast majority of cases, sudden deaths in adults under the age of 40 are usually caused by a drug overdose or suicide. Based on Hartlage’s Twitter feed, neither of these seem to be the case.

In her final tweet before perishing, Hartlage gave a “shoutout” to a NICU doctor who joined her in responding to a mid-flight emergency.

“Starting an IV @ 35k ft, crouching in an aisle – complete with turbulence – was a new experience!” she wrote.

“Resources mid-air are very limited, and we were very glad to be met by EMS on the ground!”

Under normal circumstances, the cause of Hartlage’s death would naturally be a private affair. But because she was constantly pushing injections that are known to be injuring and killing thousands or even millions of young people, the public has a right to know.

There is a reason why Pfizer secretly added heart attack pharmaceuticals to its child-version covid shot: because young people everywhere are dropping dead from the injection.

Chances are that Hartlage suffered a similar fate. But because the city of Louisville refuses to fess up as to what happened, the world is left speculating as to why this vaccine zealot lost her life at a relatively young age.

“… she forfeited her right to privacy when she cajoled other people to take Covid shots that are known to have cardiac dangers to young people – and even encouraged mandatory vaccinations,” Berenson writes about Hartdubdtscklage.

“‘Sudden and unexpected’ will not do. (If I ‘died after a brief illness,’ you can bet the blue checks on Twitter would insist on knowing whether Covid had killed me; and they’d be right to ask.) … The city of Louisville needs to be honest about what happened, the sooner the better.”

In the comment section on Berenson’s substack, one guy wrote that similar mysterious deaths happened in his town, one to a young mom in his school and another to a young fireman from the area.

“It has happened all over the country,” he added. “We know the shots are killing people – insurance data doesn’t lie.”

Another joked that it was probably an overdose:

“Too much spike protein is deadly, you know.”


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