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Democrats Took Over BLM Funding Using ActBlue, Now Marc Elias Is Identified as Working for BLM

Hillary’s attorney, Marc Elias, is listed on tax filings for BLM. It’s unknown how he ever got there.

The Daily Mail reports that Marc Elias is now working for BLM:

Hillary Clinton‘s former campaign lawyer – the man who spearheaded a dirt-digging investigation that led to the unsubstantiated ‘dirty dossier’ on Donald Trump – is now working for Black Lives Matters, according to the secretive foundation’s most recent tax filing. Attorney Marc Elias’s eponymous law firm was named several times in Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s charity registration renewal filing, which was submitted in California on February 11. The revelation comes after the leaderless organization faced intense pressure from California’s Department of Justice, which accused it of failing to submit its annual financial reports and alleging it was in delinquent status. The Elias Law Group is identified in the filings as the organization in charge of the books. The forms also listed longtime Clinton ally Minyon Moore as a member of its board of directors. Advertisement - story continues below Elias and the Democratic National Committee funded a research campaign during the 2016 presidential election that was led by former British spy Christopher Steele, who produced the ‘golden showers’ dossier on Trump.

Elias was also behind the promulgation of absentee ballots and drop boxes across the country in the 2020 Election. These devices were not well protected and as a result, likely millions of ballots entered and were included in the 2020 Election results that lack proper chain of custody documentation.

We reported previously in June 202- that donations to BLM were being funneled through the Democrats’ ActBlue donation scheme where they were handled by an organization led by a member of the domestic terrorist group the Weather Underground.

Candice Owen reported on the BLM – ActBlue relationship and was targeted by a bogus fact-checker. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch jumped in and stated that the findings confirmed what we and Candice Owen reported. See below.

No one really knows where the money donated to BLM really went. It does not appear any significant part of the donations went to black communities that needed it most. The Gateway Pundit reported that much of the donations to BLM went to elite approved Democrat candidates.

BLM was the perfect scheme for Democrats to steal money from Americans and American corporations based on a made-up crisis and then use this to push their approved candidates. They had to do this because no America-loving person agrees with their anti-American policies.


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