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German military bioweapons discovered in Ukraine, media silent

Gennady Gatilov, Russia’s permanent representative at the United Nations office in Geneva, says that dangerous military biological weapons funded by Germany have been discovered in Ukraine.

According to Gatilov, the German Foreign Ministry and the German Armed Forces were funding a project to investigate the potential of deadly diseases such as Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever to spread among humans, though the public knew nothing about it.

At the plenary session of the Disarmament Conference in Geneva on March 31, Gatilov demanded that this program, along with many others funded by the United States, be fully investigated. Georgia and Great Britain, he added, are also involved.

Ukraine appears to be the place where NATO countries outsource much of their biological weapons research programs. Ukraine is a playground, of sorts, where the “elites” have been engaged in all sorts of criminal activity that they might not have been able to get away with in other countries.

We now know that the German Institute for Tropical Medicine was conspiring with the Ministry of Health in Ukraine to conduct experiments using blood samples collected from various Slavic ethnic groups. German specialists would regularly visit Ukrainian hospitals in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa and Lemberg to engage in questionable research using these samples.

In many cases, diseases appear to have been released within the local population and studied for transmissibility and severity. U.S.-run biolabs were also involved, and so was the Friedrich Löffler Institute for Animal Health.

Are the U.S. and NATO engaged in ethnic warfare, using Ukraine as their testing grounds?

According to Gatilov, more than 30 U.S.-led biolabs in Ukraine participated in the research, which was heavily funded by U.S. taxpayers via the Pentagon. Other parties involved include Black and Veach, Metabiota and CH2M Hill.

Hunter Biden of the Biden crime family cartel also played a central role in this research. He and his dad, Joe, appear to have generated large profits for themselves in the process, as did other American politicians.

“The main point of the U.S. research was the possibility of spreading particularly dangerous infections caused by highly pathogenic influenza H5N1, pathogens for hemorrhagic fever, [coronaviruses’, etc.,” reported Newspunch.

“Six virus families and three types of pathogenic bacteria have been isolated. These are characterized by resistance to drugs and rapid spread from animal to humans. Also, they have natural sources in both Ukraine and Russia, and their deployment can be disguised as a natural outbreak,” Gatilov said.

Gatilov further warned that bioweapons research in Ukraine appears to have been custom-tailored to target certain ethnic groups. This is evident in the Slavic-centric blood samples that were sent off to the Walter Reed Army Research Institute in Maryland under the pretext of testing drugs and treatments for coronavirus.

“For good money, Ukraine allowed the United States to turn its own country into a testing ground for extremely dangerous bioweapons research,” Newspunch adds.

“Gatilov told the United States that this was not ‘noble help,’ but the cynical use of foreign territory and its people for dangerous research that Washington does not want to conduct on its own soil.”

These projects were reportedly launched in 2016, though neither the U.S. nor Ukraine has ever mentioned them in any of their reports on confidence-building measures under the Biological Weapons Convention (BTWC). This strongly suggests that violations occurred, hence the secrecy.

Russia for years has been calling on the BTWC regime to be strengthened so as to stop this kind of activity from occurring. However, the U.S. has been fighting against Russia’s efforts for the past 20 years.

“One has to ask oneself whether the United States has something to hide,” writes Sean Adl-Tabatabi.


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