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Is the Biden regime gearing up to commit mass genocide against Christians?

An obscure Washington, D.C.-based entity called the Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) has been tasked by the Biden regime with compiling lists of Americans who refuse Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” on religious grounds.

Some believe this Orwellian tracking move will create a model for the entire U.S. government to collect the names and “personal religious information” of all federal employees who make “religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement.”

“The primary purpose of the secured electronic file repository is to collect, maintain, use, and – to the extent appropriate and necessary – disseminate employee religious exception request information collected by the Agency in the context of the federally mandated COVID-19 vaccination requirement,” reads the Federal Register.

The Biden regime has not yet indicated why it suddenly needs lists of religious people who refuse to get injected for the Fauci Flu. The fact that it has started the process with the PSA, which almost nobody knows even exists, is highly suspect in terms of its implications.

Could it be that Biden et al. are targeting Christians for eradication with this new protocol? Will it later be expanded to include not just federal workers but also the general public?

Biden hires mostly-black government agency to track down the unvaccinated

Interestingly, the PSA has a majority-black staff that is both more religious and less vaccinated than other demographics. Is this the Biden regime’s version of “racial equality?”

It would appear as though Biden’s use of this obscure agency is for testing purposes to see how it goes on a smaller scale. If successful, it will likely be expanded across the entire U.S. government.

There is almost no need to do this, though, as the federal government at large is barely even honoring religious exemptions anymore. (Related: Sen. Tex Cruz of Texas says that Biden’s jab mandates are illegal.)

The Department of Defense (DoD), for instance, has failed to grant even a single religious exemption on behalf of any service members who have requested one. This prompted a lawsuit by a group of Navy SEALS who successfully argued in a federal lawsuit that Biden’s edict violates the conscience rights afforded under the First Amendment to the Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Another hint that Biden is intent upon eradicating Christians has to do with the fact that he and his regime have been pushing the so-called “Equality Act” since before he was even installed into the White House.

If passed and signed into law, the Equality Act would gut the RFRA whenever it intersects with the special privileges that have been afforded to the Cult of LGBTQ.

Upon his installation, one of the first things Biden did was swiftly revoke the Mexico City policy, which at the time had been reinstated by President Donald Trump.

The Mexico City policy ensured that religious Americans would never be forced to pay for overseas abortions with their tax dollars. Biden reversed this, and now that taxpayer money is once again flowing overseas to fund abortions.

“This is what I would do if I was running a genocide program or a purge,” wrote one Zero Hedge commenter about how this all appears.

“Now all they need to do is link the killbots to the database,” added another.

“We have angered The Biden,” joked another. “And now The Biden will punish us.”

Yet another pointed out that what Biden is now doing here in the United States is the same thing that was done in Rwanda right before their infamous genocide.


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