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Kachelman: A Failed Nation is Marked When Truth Is Discarded and Replaced with Untruth

A failed nation is marked when truth is discarded and replaced with untruth.

There are two facts that are woven into the history of civilization. First, the crucible of consistency is always the undoing of error. And, second, truth always becomes evident and triumphs. When mankind is embroiled in civic and cultural chaos the only hope is the absoluteness of truth. This is an inescapable truth in history.

Truth is an imperiled commodity in today’s civilization—it is almost extinct in many public forums, governmental newspeak, school boards, and even in medical diagnosis.

In mythology Aphrodite/Athena developed an invincible force composed of Amazonian women. The Amazonians acted in the Battle of Troy and were later included in mythological tales of Ulysses (Odysseus).

A mystical girdle is given to the Amazonians. This girdle was used to create a “lasso of truth.” This lasso was unbreakable, immutable and indestructible. The most noticeable power was its ability to force people to tell only the truth.

In either fantasy or fact, TRUTH is recognized as the predominant virtue in civility. Even the pagans, with all their moral and civil failings recognized TRUTH as a critical bond in life. When truth is paramount, mankind is secure. The commanding role of truth was stated by Christ, “You will know the truth AND the truth will set you free.” Without truth there is no freedom! Unfortunately, the control of truth in daily life, worldly politics, and religious practice is challenged and replaced with untruths. Such is “false news,” or “false flags.” When there is truth there will instantly be untruths. As truth brings unity, harmony and happiness, untruth seeks to instigate chaos and harm. Untruth utilizes garage door pulls, flawed medical tests, and political posturing.

The commanding control of truth is historically recognized:

  • Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed (Friedrich Nietzsche).

  • When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear (Thomas Sowell).

  • The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it (George Orwell).

  • Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth (William Faulkner).

  • All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them (Galileo Galilei).

But, remember the bitterness that untruth displays. There is an utter contempt for truth. Those speaking untruth embrace ignorance and folly. These are rancid in their slander and libel. “No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth” (Plato).

The untruth, the false news, the false flags of untruth’s communication always seeks damage to reputations, institutions, civil governing, religious practices, and individuals who refuse to conform. The practice of untruth from evil elitism is historic:

  • In the 1700s, a woman named Mary Toft in England tricked doctors into thinking she could give birth to rabbits. Sometime later she was forced to admit that she shoved dead rabbits into her vagina before ‘birthing’ them.

  • Between 1932 and 1972, the US government tricked around 600 black citizens from Tuskegee, Alabama into believing that they were receiving free healthcare. Whereas they were actually test subjects to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis.

  • In 1985, In California, a guy claiming to be a doctor successfully tricked a girl into bed (and out of $1000) by claiming that he can give her a vaccine for a ‘fatal disease that she had contracted’ by having sex with her.

One would hope that the dissemination of known untruths would not exist in our modern “enlightened” era. However, such is hope misplaced. A casual observation reveals that the publishing of untruths and the groundless verbal accusations have accelerated to the point that untruth is more pronounced than truth. The historicity of this damning cycle is found in the prophet Isaiah’s recorded sorrow, “You must not prophesy the truth to us. Speak to us pleasant words, prophesy illusions.” There were those who feigned a religious devotion were exposed as those “who swear by the name of the Lord and invoke the God of Israel, but not in truth nor in righteousness.” The judgment on the national level was “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the street, and uprightness cannot enter.” The prophet’s final sob moaned “Truth is lacking.”

Amazingly, the publishing of propagandizing untruth is recognized by those in the controlling media. The Stanford Report (2003!), reported the presence of deceptive media reporting. In a description of a course, the following was reported, and do not miss the acerbic report linked from Politico: The truth about lying: Course explores history of deception.

This idea that the media is made up of unselfconsciously liberal elites who don’t even recognize the biases they have against conservative policies and conservatives in general goes back decades, to when newsrooms were more or less homogenous in nearly every way. At first, conservatives fought back by founding their own magazines; after Watergate and in the midst of the Reagan administration and liberals’ contempt for him, organizations like the Media Research Center began cataloguing the myriad examples of biased coverage, both large and small. And there was a lot to catalogue, from opinion pages heavily weighted in favor of liberals to reportage and analysis that looks a lot more like the opinion of the writers than unbiased coverage.

The brouhaha instigated by the DEMS/NEVER TRUMPERS/RINOS led to a media feeding frenzy fueled by untruth. A good example of this is the article Republicans Bludgeoned with the Truth.

“David Brooks: The evidence against Trump is overwhelming. This Ukraine quid pro quo wasn’t just a single reckless phone call. It was a multiprong several-month campaign to use the levers of American power to destroy a political rival.” Republican legislators are being bludgeoned with this truth in testimony after testimony. They know in their hearts that Trump is guilty of impeachable offenses.

Pay close attention to the above and note how evil deceptively boasted about using truth as justification for the participants’ criminal actions and treasonous habits. Truth had no presence in this travesty of civility. All charges and insinuations were blatant untruth! It was all LIES!

And here are a few of the consequences that propagandized untruth has wrought in recent years:

  • Depraved accusations against those viewed as political enemies of the controlling elite. Accusations of flagrant immorality, criminality, and the distortion of facts united as a broadside from the Elite and have received front page above-the-fold position, even though they were lies.

  • Deliberate deceptions by the elite pols, media, and entertainment personalities diverting the public’s focus from the reality of our national, culture and civil disintegration.

  • Villainous untruths upheld by the Medical Professional Community and a fawning refusal to consider published COVID-19 adverse reactions. The Medical Profession has been exposed as supportive of untruth and accomplices of the untruthful Evil.

  • Overt persecution by bureaucrats weaponizing all elements of the Federal Government to oppress, silence and even imprison opposition.

  • A corrupt agenda distorting the principled statutes upon which our Republic was founded.

  • Deceptive untruths are popularized seeking to replace our Constitutional governing with Marxism.

  • A staunch refusal of the Legislative Branch to follow truth in its deliberations; a redefinition of truth by the Judicial Branch rendering its decisions a mockery of justice; and, the buffoonery in the Executive Branch to exercise the truth.

  • We have been brow-beaten, shamed, ostracized, assaulted, wrongfully imprisoned and a myriad of other evil actions as untruths were pressed by local, State and Federal governments.

  • National corporations, businesses, hospitals, school boards and even religious groups have coerced compliance to the inconsistent untruths.

A failed nation is marked when truth is discarded and replaced with untruth. When the governing authorities, media producers, and judicial officials elevate untruth and discard actual truth then the citizenry will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good. Such behavior is described by the mournful phrase, “Truth is lacking.”

This sinister maneuver is not novel to our Legislators, Courts and Executives. It is historical. Since it is historical it is assured of the historic inescapability of the real truth. History records a Persian executive that worked to restore the Exiles. His name was Nehemiah. He was confronted by a number of adversaries whose behavior charts the typical attack strategy of evil “untruthers.” There was a feigned compromise offered, lies circulated, slander, and libel. When these actions failed to achieve the evil objectives there arose outright persecution and violence. Nehemiah remained firm. I love his response to those seeking to destroy his influence with slanderous libel, “I sent a message to him saying, ‘Nothing like these things that you are saying has been done, but you are inventing them in your own mind’” (Nehemiah 6:8).

Such is the real truth describing the opposition “You are inventing them in your own mind”!

From Freedom Works (07/05/2010), comes the observation that our nation’s founders believed that individual rights pre-exist the establishment of a government. What assures these individual rights. It is the inescapable truth.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”

Absolute truth is inescapable and invincible. Let the purveyors of untruth feel secure in their lies. But they trust only in their own imaginations! The inescapable truth—they will be exposed as fools and their folly will be recorded alongside the fools throughout history!

Let those in governing positions understand the reality of an inescapable truth. Legislate, Adjudicate, and Execute knowing that truth is self-evident and the action taken will condemn you to the historic fools or commend you among the historic heroes/heroines!

One final quote: “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it—always” (Mahatma Gandhi).


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