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Left-wing hate: Nearly 1/2 of Democrat men under 50 think it’s ok to assassinate political opponents

If you still doubted that our country is headed for a second bloody civil war unless we peacefully divide up the country beforehand, a disturbing but revealing new survey released this week should remove any remaining doubts.

The survey, conducted by the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center — which figures — found that voters who identified as Democrats were far more likely than those who identified as Republicans to back political violence, up to and including the assassination of political leaders they considered threats to their agenda.

This helps explain why practically no elected Democrats and no left-wing, Democrat-voting ‘pundits’ in the media condemned the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

According to American Military News, the survey, “published June 1, found that 44 percent of Democrat men under the age of 50 said they ‘approve’ of assassinating a politician ‘who is harming our country or democracy.'”

Of course, ‘harming our country or democracy’ is a very subjective definition; Democrats who back censorship, cancel culture, and now, assassinating politicians, literally believe they are ‘fighting for democracy,’ never once occurring to them that their actions and proposed actions have been utilized by authoritarians and tyrants throughout the history of humankind.

Now for the part that practically spells out ‘civil war coming’: The group with the second-highest approval for assassinating politicians is Republican women under 50, at 40 percent.


Republican women under 50 were the group with the second-highest approval for assassinating politicians, with 40 percent approving of such behavior.

“Republican men under 50 were the third likeliest group to support assassinating a politician, with 34 percent approving of such behavior. 32 percent of women Democrats also approved of assassinating politicians,” the report said, adding:

Across parties and gender, the percentage of people who supported assassinating politicians decreased with age. Still, the SPLC polling found nearly a quarter of all respondents approved of assassinating a politician.

Young Republican men were the group most likely to support “participating in a political revolution even if it is violent in its ends,” with 45 percent approving of such behavior, compared to 42 percent of young Democrat men. 37 percent of young women Democrats and 30 percent of young women Republicans approved of such behavior. Overall, two-thirds of respondents did not approve of participating in political revolutions “even if it is violent in its ends.” Again, support for such behavior fell with age.

In addition, younger Republican males were also more likely to support threatening a politician who is deemed to be “harming the country or our democracy,” with 46 percent saying that kind of behavior is okay. That compares to 40 percent of young Democrat men.

Meanwhile, the survey found that 31 percent of young female Republicans and 25 percent of young Democrat women also approve of such behavior. But overall, just 20 percent of respondents support threatening political leaders, with younger voters again the most likely to do so.

By comparison, only around 3 percent of the country participated actively in the Revolutionary War. Far more participated in the Civil War.

The survey came ahead of a man from Simi Valley, Calif., being arrested June 8 outside the home of Kavanaugh after he reportedly told authorities that he traveled to the Maryland residence to murder the conservative justice. The suspect, 26-year-old Nicholas John Roske, was found to be in possession of a firearm and a knife. An affidavit filed in support of the charging documents against Roske said that he told police “he was upset about the leak of a recent Supreme Court draft decision regarding the right to abortion as well as the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.”

The affidavit also stated that “Roske indicated that he believed the justice that he intended to kill would side with Second Amendment decisions that would loosen gun control laws.”

Our country is headed for a bloody conflict if we don’t peaceably separate. This new survey makes that plain.


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