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Mike Pence – The Man Behind the Treachery in the Trump White House Finally Gets Called Out

By: The Gateway Pundit

Mike Pence portrayed himself as this serene, cerebral, and spiritual man from the Midwest. But looking back over the Trump years, Pence and his team were behind many of the more significant treacherous events in the Trump White House.

Former Vice President Mike Pence was chosen by then-candidate Trump during the 2016 primaries. He came across as a quiet and mild-mannered Christian man from the Midwest who loved his country. What we didn’t know back then was what lay beneath that facade.

Emerald Robinson released an excellent piece on Pence where she digs and uncovers the many material issues in Trump’s White House that Pence was behind. Here is a summary of Robinson’s masterpiece.

Robinson starts by noting President Trump’s recent statements about Mike Pence. Here is one recent Trump statement we reported:

Robinson starts her piece by stating:

The reason that Mike Pence did not exercise the power to lawfully contest the election is because Mike Pence was never a Trump loyalist. He’s a GOP establishment loyalist. There were plenty of problems inside the Trump Administration, and Vice President Mike Pence was at the center of many of those problems. In fact, it’s always been obvious that Pence and his staff were deeply involved in trying to remove President Trump from office

Dr. Peter Navaro shared on Pence’s betrayal after January 6th.

General Flynn’s Firing

Robinson shares some remarkable insights into Pence’s involvement with the firing of General Flynn only days into President Trump’s Administration:

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Let’s begin with Mike Pence’s least favorite question: “Why did you insist that President Trump fire his National Security Advisor Michael Flynn in the opening days of the administration?” The official story is that Gen. Flynn had lied to Mike Pence about Flynn’s contacts with Russian diplomats. Nobody has bothered to ask Pence exactly how he was informed about Flynn’s private conversations. Think about it: somebody went to Pence with transcripts of Flynn’s calls, and told Pence that Flynn was a national security risk. Who would have access to such phone calls? Who would want to lie about the nature of those phone calls to get Flynn fired? It almost certainly must have been disgraced FBI agent Peter Strozk. It’s likely that Strzok was the one who pushed for VP Pence to fire Flynn because we know that Peter Strozk’s assistant was Katherine Seaman — the wife of Mike Pence’s chief of staff Josh Pitcock. We also have the text exchanges between Strozk and Page discussing infiltrating the Trump White House in great detail. (This was the subject of an extraordinary letter from Senator Grassley and Senator Johnson to AG Bill Barr.) What did Pence know about the FBI’s attempts to spy on the Trump White House? Is it even possible that Mike Pence was totally unaware that his chief of staff’s spouse worked directly for the chief of the counter-espionage unit of the FBI? We know that President Obama warned President Trump not to hire Flynn in 2016. We also know that Flynn himself believes that Obama advised Trump against hiring him because Flynn knew about the Obama administration’s role in spying on Trump’s presidential campaign. Removing Flynn as Trump’s National Security Advisor was a top priority for the Deep State. In other words, Mike Pence was the first person to set the Russia Hoax into motion.

Ukraine Phone Call Used for Impeachment

Robinson shares:

During the failed Ukraine impeachment of President Trump, plenty of State Department and NSC swamp creatures crawled out of the shadows to hurl lame accusations about Trump’s phone call with Ukraine President Zelensky. Did you know that one of main accusers was a national security official on Vice President Mike Pence’s staff? A State Department official named Jennifer Williams was placed on Pence’s staff in April of 2019 — which was just in time to get involved in the Ukraine call and the subsequent impeachment. (What a coincidence that she arrived mere weeks before the call!) Just imagine being a few months into your new job in the White House only to volunteer to testify against the President in an impeachment trial over phone calls you didn’t like.

The COVID Vaccines

Pence was given the lead over COVID.

The worst mistake that President Trump made during his administration was probably turning over the COVID Task Force to VP Mike Pence — because Pence turned it over to his chief of staff Marc Short and Marc Short turned it over to a little known national security official with no medical expertise. If you want to know the name of the person most responsible for unleashing the Dr. Fauci vaccine nightmare on America then remember the name of Mike Pence’s “COVID advisor”: Olivia Troye.

Troye went on to bash the White House and recent interviews with her show a picture of Dr. Fauci on her wall.

Marc Short Pence’s Chief of Staff

Robinson writes about Marc Short:

My own sources in the White House told me that Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short was literally the first person to call for Trump to accept the results of the stolen election and concede to Biden. Like I said at the beginning: there’s a lot of evidence of Pence’s treachery. Long before GOP voters were suddenly surprised by Pence’s “lack of courage” on January 6th, I warned my followers on social media that any trust in Pence was misplaced. My sources in the White House told me that Pence simply disappeared after the 2020 election. (He went skiing in Vail rather than bother with contesting the 2020 election.)

We shared Dr. Navarro’s reporting on Marc Short after the election as well.

Robinson hit it out of the park. We encourage you to read her full article here.


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