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Redpill Project Daily Dose Episode 202 Neil Singleton - Candidate 12th Congressional District of GA

Joshua Reid, RightSideBaddie, and Vince Tagliavia interviewed guest Neil Singleton today in an ongoing effort to understand, along with the viewers, those who are running to represent the people in various political offices around the United States of America.

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Singleton started off with an opportunity to tell us about the 12th District of Georgia. He said, "It's very rural for the most part and there aren't very many large cities other than say Augusta, GA." He continued, "'s farmers.", "It's just good people, good farm life, and people that are down to earth." He said it's deep red and believes it will be that way forever.

Josh has been very outspoken about removing the Lobby from Washing D.C., getting rid of Super PACs and doing a complete reform on election laws. Singleton's opponent Rick Allen is a multimillionaire business man and Neil highlighted that he personally doesn't have the money to do what Allen is doing and supports everything Josh outlines in what that type of reform should look like.

When asked about his opinion on Covid he said he's not anti-vaccine, he is pro-choice. He told us he quarantined recently after a suspected exposure saying it's the responsible thing to do. On masks, Singleton said, "I believe if a business is asking you to put on a mask, just put on a mask, I'm not the type to argue with them.". "...but it shouldn't be a government mandate. Government being involved with this government vaccine mandate is too far..."

RightSideBaddie asked for clarification on his stance on vaccinations after a short discussion. Singleton said, although he has had certain vaccines before, he points out, "I am not pro vaccine, this vaccine has not been proven. Every vaccine before this has gone through decades of research."

Josh goes deeper into the history of vaccines and the Vaers Database. The Delta varient data we see outlined in articles doesn't align with the data sourced in instances Josh has identified. With tens of thousands of deaths reported on Vaers by June 2021 and this only being a small fraction of the potential total deaths we are forced to wonder why this vaccine hasn't been pulled from the market. Singleton's personal opinion he stated was, "I think if we were just to stop the vaccine altogether, lets say for 30-45 days, I would think we would see lower Covid patients."

RightSideBaddie expressed the importance of Constitutional Rights when it comes to the freedom to choose to wear a mask or not and Singleton pointed out that he believes there's a difference when it comes to a government mandate for a private company and that he feels it's necessary for him to wear a mask for a small shop owner for him personally but large publicly traded corporations are different in what they should abide to. To me, this is a little bit unclear, my underlying opinion is, I think if somebody feels something personally is acceptable however it violates the constitution rights of the people I wonder if will they have the gumption to stand up for what is right when put under pressure, or instead fold and justify it with personal constitutionally unfounded feelings especially when it comes to making laws for the people.

RightSideBaddie openly expressed her skeptical stance on Neil Singleton after we began to cover the audits. Singleton approves of Kandiss Taylor and said that she has his vote however he feels she should be vocal when it comes to other factors aside from the Georgia election audit. I pointed out that as Kandiss Taylor has been adamant and that she has outlined other aspects of her platform but what good is putting too much attention on anything else aside from the Audit if the elections are a scam? He said he wants an audit to happen and said, "I hope that it proves that it was a legitimate election, because if it comes out that it was an illegitimate election, we have serious, serious problem." After Josh asks for him to elaborate, Singelton clarifies that he doesn't at all think it was a legitimate election but is concerned with what will happen if everything is invalidated. He is hesitant to, "...ride the coattails of the audit because everyone else is on it." however, he wants an audit for every election. RightSideBaddie told him not being more involved makes her skeptical and she recommended he help push the audit forward, but he insists he needs to focus on other factors still but still is supportive of Kandiss Taylor and Audits but he did say maybe he should be more vocal about the audits. He said this election probably had the most fraud in history.

Other topics covered and elaborated on during our conversation:

  • Blackrock and the Housing market

  • Inflation

  • Infrastructure Bill and rezoning

  • Taxes

  • Stimulus

  • GOP

  • Trump

  • 2nd Amendment

  • Audit

  • Election

  • Decertification of election


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