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Press Release


From The Gubernatorial Candidate Dr. Kandiss Taylor

December 24, 2021

In a race already packed with contenders across the state, Republican gubernatorial candidate, Dr. Kandiss Taylor, stands out in addressing the very real crimes and issues that many families in the Peach State face. As a child advocate in a public school system for over two decades, finding justice for the victims of sexual assault is an issue close to Dr. Taylor’s heart - and is a key part of her “Morality Over Money” campaign.

Recently, Dr. Taylor became aware of two crimes involving victims who have not been vindicated- and the statute on the books in Georgia she intends to repeal as Governor that can shield perpetrators from prosecution.

In Hart County, Georgia, a young girl, Jennifer Cobb, came forward to report years-long sexual grooming and sexual assault from her gymnastics coach. The case went to court, where officials engaged in “victim shaming,” which may have pushed Cobb to commit suicide. There is still an active investigation into her death. Yet, in spite of other young women coming forward to report the same gymnastics coach engaging in similar grooming behavior, the Georgia Statute of limitation laws protected the offender.

“We have no statute of limitation on murder, but we have a time expiration on sexual innocence being robbed from a child,” stated Dr. Taylor. “This must be changed in Georgia to protect our children and get these sexual perverts off of our streets. The average predator has over 300 victims, which is directly correlated to accessibility due to these ridiculous statutes.”

In Cobb’s case, a witness also came forward to corroborate her statement but this report was never investigated. The family is asking that all reports be given a prompt investigation. Support for this cause is found at the following link:

This case isn’t isolated. Over 30 years ago, another young, beautiful Georgia girl was equally robbed of her life by a predator. Rhonda Sue Coleman from a small, south Georgia town was abducted and murdered. This shattered the community, but new interest in Coleman’s case through Fox Hunter, an international podcast sparked new hope for justice. On this program, interviews of those with knowledge of the cold case and new information is surfacing that could lead to the killer.

The pursuit of justice in this case has also hit roadblocks with the family being denied access to autopsy results and the stonewalling of information sharing between the Georgia Bureau of Investigations and the District Attorney assigned to the case.

The family are obtaining signatures for “Rhonda’s Law” at and Dr. Taylor is proud to add her support to the cause. “I urge everyone to sign the petition to get Rhonda’s Law in our Georgia Legislative Session beginning in January,” Dr. Taylor reported. “This should never happen to anyone, and the Colemans are past due to know what happened to their only child. No one on this planet should have more knowledge surrounding Rhonda Sue than her parents. Let’s join together in prayer that this case is solved, and the killer is finally brought to justice.”

Solving the pandemic of crimes against children is going to take more than just “politics as usual.” “We lose sight of humanity and morality in the hustle and bustle of politics,” said Dr. Taylor. “The rhetoric we hear bantered back and forth between establishment candidates is just that - words without conviction behind them. The people of Georgia are wide awake to the lies and false promises.

“The Lord has been dealing with my heart on both of these Georgia cases, and I want to use my platform to help bring justice. I have been a victim advocate for two decades, and I will use the same tenacity and knowledge acquired in public education to be an advocate when I am elected to the top seat in Georgia as a public servant of the people as Governor.”

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