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Senator Roger Marshall predicts a “worldwide famine” in 1-2 years, as fertilizer and fuel prices sky

Due to globalization, countries have become increasingly interdependent on one another. When it comes to producing and using their own commodities and natural resources, the United States, Canada and Europe are NOT sovereign. These countries depend on Russia for energy, agricultural products, corn, wheat, sunflower oil and fertilizer, among other commodities. Any attempt to punish Russia through economic sanctions will inevitably backfire, causing agricultural abruptions and food shortages that will put the populations of individual nations at risk. Senator Roger Marshall predicts a “worldwide famine” in the next 1-2 years, as sanctions cause fertilizer and fuel prices to skyrocket.

US and European governments are destroying world order using wartime sanctions that beckon global famine

When Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine, these Western countries responded with wartime sanctions that impact energy, agriculture, economics and finance. But as these “free trade” countries put the clamps down on Russia and default on their obligations, they also set traps for their own respective countries, harming their own people. Europe and the US are far too dependent on Russia and China, yet they insist on wartime trade relations that will only weaken their own economies and impoverish their own people.

While Americans are being distracted by petty actors slapping one another, Vladimir Putin is preparing Russia to break free from the euro and the World Reserve Currency. Going forward, Russia will only accept rubles, gold or bitcoin as payment for energy exports. The Russian ruble will be backed by commodities, unlike the dollar, which is backed by false hopes and delusions.

Fertilizer and fuel prices skyrocket, setting the stage for food shortages and global famine

Senator Roger Marshall, who serves on the Senate Agriculture, Energy & Natural Resources, understands that blow-back will result from these war-time sanctions. He predicts a “worldwide famine” will begin in the next year or two, as US and European governments hurt their own people with war-time sanctions on Russia. This slippery slope has already begun with the Biden regime’s ban on Russian oil imports. Gasoline prices have risen to historic levels since. As America and Europe lose access to Russia’s fertilizer supply, agriculture will be impacted in ways that make the food supply even more vulnerable than it already is.

“There is actually going to be a famine in one to two years from now,” Marshall said in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business. “I think two years from now will be even worse.” The famine won’t just impact Europe. “This will be a worldwide famine,” Marshall said. “12-15% of the agriculture products, corn and wheat, sunflower oil come through that Black Sea. Fertilizers come from that area as well.” These imports are being cut off and restricted. As the West tries to isolate Russia, there will be serious consequences for people living around the world.

Marshall said farmers will have “problems getting fertilizer” and “problems getting tractors in the field” by next year. “All the diesel fuel is going towards their war efforts,” he said. The doubling and tripling of energy costs will only make food prices surge in the coming years.

“I think American farmers are doing their best to respond,” said Marshall, “but we can’t get fertilizer.” “The fertilizer prices have quadrupled, diesel fuel has doubled,” he added, “So many of the fertilizers and the herbicides we can’t even get right now.”

Russia is NOT isolated in their military efforts, as the corporate media suggests. Countries such as China and India refuse to participate in these US-led sanctions that threaten free trade, food supply and world order. Other leaders around the world understand just how interdependent their nations really are and how cutting off global trade impacts the prosperity and survival of their own nations. The truth is: The United States is dependent on Ukraine and Russia for food and energy. Intervening in Ukraine and escalating the war between these nations will only justify Russia’s mission and make world populations suffer, beckoning a global famine.


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