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"Something Is Up": Rep. Jim Jordan Suggests Hunter Biden Indictment Could Be Coming

Top House Republican Jim Jordan said on Sunday he thinks "something is up" with the MSM's recent flip-flop on the Hunter Biden laptop story - which was originally branded as Russian disinformation right before the 2020 US election, only to be validated as authentic in recent weeks amid a grand jury investigation into the First Son.

According to Jordan, it "sure seems" that Hunter is on his way to being indicted - though he couldn't say for sure, according to the Washington Examiner. Jordan pointed to the remarkable timing of MSM outlets reporting on Hunter's laptop in seeming lockstep, which coincides with a flurry of grand jury activity.

"You mentioned those two stories from the Washington Post 10 days ago," Jordan told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo. "I understand they were four minutes apart. One was at 11:00. One was at 11:04. So two eight-page-long stories four minutes apart from the news organization that said 18 months ago there was no story here, this was Russian disinformation. That tells you something is up. You don't see the Washington Post do that."

While the New York Post led the charge in reporting on the contents of the abandoned laptop, which contained emails detailing Biden's business dealings and rollercoaster personal life, other major media outlets sought to cast doubt on its authenticity, and Big Tech companies even took steps to suppress its spread in the final weeks of the 2020 election. Jordan, who is the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, remarked how "interesting" it is that the "story has evolved" in recent weeks, coinciding with rising suspicions that President Joe Bidsen himself could be drawn into a federal criminal investigation, even as the White House has been adamant in asserting that the president is not involved and that his 52-year-old son did not commit any crimes. -Washington Examiner

"Remember, it started off as, 'Oh, it wasn't his laptop.' Then it was, 'Well, it was his laptop, but it was Russian disinformation.' Now it's, 'No, it wasn't Russian disinformation, but Joe had nothing to do with it," Jordan continued.

"And now, finally, it is, 'Well, Joe had something to do with it, but he really didn't do anything wrong.' In fact, that's what his chief of staff, Ron Klain, told us last Sunday on the Sunday shows," he added. "So, my, how this story has changed. And now, we find out these text messages and emails that link the entire family, not just Hunter and Joe and — but also uncle, the — Joe's brother, James Biden, is involved in this as well."

Bartiromo brought up that author Peter Schweizer said the laptop includes messages from Hunter that show at least $31 million in shady international dealings, as well as a 2019 message to his daughter complaining about covering family expenses.

"I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years," said Hunter. "It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary."

When asked to respond, Jordan said, "It sure looks like Joe Biden was involved," adding that there are "4.8 million reasons" to think Joe Biden is lying when he says there was nothing unethical about Hunter's business dealings in China and Ukraine.

"The thing that bothers me the most, though, Maria, is the conspiracy," said Jordan. "The Left always tries to — always says, 'Oh, there's these right-wing conspiracies.' The real conspiracy here was the Democrats, Big Tech, Big Media keeping this story from the American people just days before the most important election we have, an election for president of the United States, election for who's going to be the commander in chief."

"Maybe worst of all" was the 51 'former intelligence officials' who swore in an October 2020 letter that the Hunter Biden laptop story was likely Russian disinformation.

"That letter they wrote where they said this has all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign, that letter became the basis for Big Tech and Big Media to suppress this story and keep it from We the People in the run-up to our most important election," said Jordan. "That's why we sent a letter to these 51 guys. We want to know who they were talking to, how they came to this conclusion, how they put that letter together, because that was the basis for the conspiracy that kept information from the voters right up before the presidential election."

In late March we learned that two Hunter Biden associates testified before the grand jury about a now-defunct PLA-linked Chinese energy company, CEFC.

"The investigation began as a tax inquiry years ago and has expanded into a federal probe involving the FBI and IRS," according to CBS News' Catherine Herridge, adding that "two men who worked with Hunter Biden when his father was Vice President were called to the grand jury last fall," according to a source.

The probe is now exploring whether Hunter and pals violated tax, money laundering, and foreign lobbying laws.

According to records reviewed by CBS along with congressional documents, the feds are looking at "multiple financial transactions involving an energy company called CEFC. Republicans accuse the business of being an arm of the Chinese government. In 2017, the year Joe Biden left the Vice Presidency, a $1 million retainer was signed with a Chinese energy company for Hunter Biden's services as a lawyer.

His client, CEFC official Patrick Ho, was later convicted on international bribery and money laundering charges on unrelated work in Africa."

When the Hunter Biden laptop story broke (and was immediately suppressed by the media), CEFC was the company that reportedly extended a $5 million interest-free loan to the Bidens that enraged their business partner, Tony Bobulinski - who flipped on the Bidens following a Senate report which revealed the $5 million 'loan.'

According to the former Biden insider, he was introduced to Joe Biden by Hunter, and they had an hour-long meeting where they discussed the Biden's business plans with the Chinese, with which he says Joe was "plainly familiar at least at a high level."

Text messages from Bobulinski also reveal an effort to conceal Joe Biden's involvement in Hunter's business dealings, while Tony has also confirmed that the "Big guy" described in a leaked email is none other than Joe Biden himself.

"You can imagine my shock when reading the report yesterday put out by the Senate committee. The fact that you and HB were lying to Rob, James and I while accepting $5 MM from Cefc is infuriating," wrote Bobulinski to Jim Biden. (Via the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross):

CEFC was paying Hunter $850,00 per year according to an email from Biden business associate James Gilliar to Bobulinksi - which is also the source of the "10 held by H for the big guy" email.

Emails obtained by the New York Post show that Hunter "pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family.”" according to the report.

You can read more on Hunter and the CEFC here. As an aside, but of course not coincidental we're sure, the Clinton Foundation accepted a donation between $50,001 and $100,000 from CEFC.

And according to Bobulinski, Joe Biden was in on the whole thing.

And of course, all evidence of this was suppressed right before the 2020 election.


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