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Trojan Horse Candidate Waging War on Conservatism in Alabama

One of the biggest attempted scams in recent electoral memory is being attempted across the nation in 2022, with Alabama currently the hottest battleground in a shadow war on the America First agenda.

More Perfect Union, the national group orchestrating the charade, was founded by Jake Harriman. The organization’s website touts buzz words about “healing” the nation, being “more united,” fighting against attacks on “our democracy,” easing “partisan tensions,” and combatting “political extremism.”

If you’re thinking this sounds like code for More Perfect Union being a liberal group, you’d be right on the money.

Honored by the Obama White House as a “Champion of Change,” Harriman is best known as the founder of a “social venture” called Nuru International which aims “to eradicate extreme poverty in some of the most fragile regions of the world.”

“Harriman has now turned his attention to helping protect the American Democratic experiment,” says his official speaker profile on Leading Authorities. “In 2020, he founded More Perfect Union to disrupt and reform the current political system, heal our divided nation, and give the government back to the American people.”

“Key early components of his plan include creating a reform-minded fulcrum of five new Members in the U.S. Senate, building a nationwide movement for unity and reform, and passing new legislation to reform the electoral system and structural rules and norms of Congress,” the bio explains.

Harriman recently held a meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, in which he explained that “fulcrum” of five new Senators would come from both sides of the political aisle and seek to form a new caucus along with so-called moderates from both parties, including Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Susan Collins (R-ME), Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).

In Alabama, Harriman told a group of potential investors and supporters, More Perfect Union is heavily invested in Mike Durant, who qualified in recent days to appear on the Republican ballot for the state’s May 24 U.S. Senate primary.

Public records show that well over $2 million has been dumped to support Durant’s candidacy already, far outpacing his Republican primary opponents obviously deemed too conservative for More Perfect Union’s liking.

In his campaign ads, Durant claims to be a supporter of President Donald Trump. However, just like More Perfect Union’s plan relies on, Durant’s candidacy is a Trojan Horse for the types of globalist, moderate politicians of pre-Trump GOP politics.

Harriman’s scheme is built around galvanizing the support of veterans in his selected states – and getting appealing veterans to run in those states. Harriman, who has been recognized by the Dalai Lama as an “Unsung Hero of Compassion,” is a Marine veteran. Durant, of course, is best known as the pilot shot down and taken captive in Somalia as part of the infamous “Blackhawk Down” incident of book and move fame.

A native of New Hampshire, Durant followed his military service by working in various roles in the military industrial complex, including most recently through owning his own lucrative company that depends on government contracts padded by conflict overseas.

Durant’s only previous involvement in politics came when he served as a surrogate for the respective presidential campaigns of then-Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and President George W. Bush.

His voting record shows that the last Republican primary he voted in was 2008 – when his beloved McCain was on the ballot. Durant has been mysteriously absent from voting in GOP primaries since the rise of the Tea Party and then MAGA movements.

In Alabama, More Perfection Union is doing its dirty work through the so-called “Alabama Patriots PAC,” which lists its location as a package story in suburban Birmingham.

Where More Perfect Union miserably failed to hide its duplicity comes in other parts of the PAC’s FEC filings. The treasurer, who lists his residence as Austin, TX, online, and the bank information in Virginia are both identical to “Pennsylvania Patriots PAC,” which is said to be supporting Democrat and fellow veteran Connor Lamb in that state.

Alabama Patriots PAC does not list an staff, board members or actual connections to the state of Alabama.

It should also be noted that More Perfect Union has deep ties, including to the deep state and big tech powers that be.

For example, Harriman is listed online as a Senior Advisor to the McChrystal Group.

“Due to the desperate condition of the U.S. political system, Jake has now turned his attention to helping protect the American Democratic experiment, which he fears is on the brink of failure – a failure that would have terrible global consequences,” his bio reads. “Jake is the Founder and CEO of More Perfect Union, a 10-year plan to heal the divide in the nation and make our government work for the American people by building a viable center in American politics. Key early components of Jake’s plan include creating a country-first fulcrum of five new Members in the U.S. Senate, building a nationwide movement for unity and reform, and passing new legislation to reform the electoral system and structural rules and norms of Congress.”

Readers may remember that retired four-star Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the McChrystal Group’s namesake founder, is known as an avid anti-Trumper. Parroting language on More Perfect Union material, McChrystal once decried that Trump is “symptomatic of the crisis in leadership that we have in the nation today.”

The picture becomes even cleared when digging into More Perfect Union’s filings.

Registered as More Perfect Union Action in Virginia with Harriman listed as president, the organization lists two additional officers: Don Faul as secretary and Ime Archibong as treasurer.

Faul’s Linkedin page lists his occupation as a “venture partner.” He is the CEO of Athos – a so-called “next generation sports performance technology company” that supports … wait for it… “the Department of Defense.”

Faul was previously the “Head of Operations” at Pinterest; before that, he worked at Facebook as the “VP of Online Operations.” There, he reportedly led the company’s “risk operations” team. Faul also lists a previous stint working at Google.

Archibong’s background is similar. He is the “Head of New Product Experimentation” at Facebook, where he has worked since 2010. He previously worked at IBM.

The staff at More Perfect Union makes the mission, political bent and scheme clear, too. The group’s political director, Zack Czajkowski, used to be the political director of the Lincoln Project. He formerly worked on the campaigns of President Barack Obama, Secretary Hillary Clinton and Governor Terry McAuliffe.

Durant being bedfellows with More Perfect Union should come as no surprise to people who have interacted with him in private, away from the shining lights of television cameras.

Speaking to donors in D.C. late in 2020, he openly admitted that he was not actually supportive of Trump – it was simply a means to an end.

His political consultants shepherd him around closely on the campaign trail now, knowing that he is one honest moment away from exposing the truth about his candidacy every time he walks out in public.

However, the truth is already out, and it should set him free of any chance of winning in Alabama.

On the trail, Durant has already said Trump’s archnemesis Jeff Sessions did the “right thing” in recusing himself from the Russia witch hunt investigation. Durant also criticized Trump’s feud with McCain and told a conservative radio audience that he supports Trump’s policies rather than Trump “the person.” Durant called Trump “his own worst enemy.”

Durant’s true beliefs seem to become clearest when he is asked real questions about the 2020 election. Asked point blank if Trump won in 2020, Durant tried to deflect by laughing and telling a crowd in Huntsville, “We’re out of time.” In a word salad maze avoiding a direct answer, Durant concluded by claiming “it’s impossible to speculate on whether (Trump) did or didn’t win.” Maybe start with a forensic audit, Mr. Durant?

What may be worse is that Durant openly brags that election integrity is not a top priority of his.

Asked in December if election integrity would be “a focus (for him) or more of a soundbite,” Durant responded by saying, “Well, if you’ll notice when I talked about what my priorities were, I didn’t list that.”

“The timing is right for us to focus on really important things,” Durant added. “Let’s focus on things that really matter.”

The America First movement across the nation needs to wake up. More Perfect Union and Trojan Horse candidates like Mike Durant are trying to steal another election.


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