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Trudeau and Biden EXTENDED national emergencies to create PERMANENT state of emergency

With the exception of Mexico, North America is currently in a state of totalitarian martial law.

Justin Trudeau of Canada and Joe Biden of the United States have both decided to extend their respective nations’ Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “emergency” declarations, blaming the ongoing trucker protests for this decision.

Update: Trudeau has now reversed himself and revoked emergency powers after liberal members of parliament revolted against him and threatened to defy him publicly. Original story continues below…

Despite previously promising to not extend it, Trudeau announced that the Emergencies Act he recently invoked will not be rescinded, even though the Ottawa protests are beginning to disperse and move elsewhere.

Trudeau claims that the protesters and their big, scary trucks might return, which necessitates him continuing to tyrannize Canadians with his martial law invocation and all that it entails.

“This state of emergency is not over,” Trudeau claimed in a public announcement. “There continues to be real concerns about the coming days. But we will continue to evaluate every single day whether or not it is time.”

“We will re-evaluate every single day, but right now, when the situation is still of people prepositioning, people being out there indicating that they are ready to blockade, to continue their illegal occupations, to disrupt Canadians’ lives, we feel that this measure needs to remain in place,” he added. “We hope to only keep it in place for a number more days.”

Biden’s extension of Trump’s national emergency declaration could be the final nail in America’s coffin

In America, Biden did the exact same thing using the exact same excuse.

In an announcement, Biden explained that the national emergency declaration, which was first enacted in March 2020 by then-President Donald Trump due to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, will need to be extended beyond March 1.

Trump’s initial declaration of a national emergency unlocked access to $50 billion in federal “aid,” which we now know was squandered on things like face masks and “testing” kits from China.

That declaration would have expired on its own, had Biden not informed Congress about his decision to renew it indefinitely.

“There remains a need to continue this national emergency,” Biden’s handlers wrote in a letter to Congress.

That letter rambled on about the alleged “deaths of more than 900,000 Americans” due to “covid,” and also emphasized the alleged “need” for “the fully capacity” of the federal government to be unleashed at this time.

House Republicans had earlier urged Biden to end the emergency declaration and return America back to normal now that covid is no longer an issue. They emphasized that in two years since Trump first declared a national emergency, there has been “significant economic and social disruptions.”

“So many Americans have lost their businesses and jobs,” the letter added about what Trump’s declaration did. “Far too many children have been left behind in school.”

Biden could have rectified this, but instead he has chosen to continue with it. The result, warns Republicans, will be that “some state and local governments will continue to impose failed, restrictive policies” because it “sends the message that the country is still in a crisis that requires emergency powers.”

So far, states and local municipalities seem to be going in the opposite direction of what Biden is doing, including “blue” states. New Jersey, Connecticut, California, Delaware, Massachusetts and New York, for instance, have all dropped their statewide mask mandates.

Many U.S. cities that imposed covid “vaccine passports” are also scrapping those, including Boston, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Seattle.

Some are speculating that this is all just a stunt by Democrats to avoid losing control of these blue states and cities as we head into the 2022 midterm elections.


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